MIA: Subjects: Africa: Samora Moïsès Machel



Samora Machel

Samora Moïsès Machel


FRELIMO and Samora Machel by John Saul

Speeches and Articles

Internal Corruption, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 2] 1969
Educate Man to Win the War, Create a New Society and Develop our Country, 1970
Message to the Mozambican People, FRELIMO Militants and the fighters of the People's Forces for the Liberation of Mozambique delivered on the 25th of September, 1970 [excerpts]
Our Health Service’s Role in the Revolution, 1971
Producers and Students, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 1] 1971
September 25th, Mozambique Revolution, Number 48, July-September 1971
Crossing the Zambezi. An Interview with Samora Machel, Guerrilheiro, No. 6, September-October 1971
Sowing the Seeds of Revolution, 1972
Leadership is Collective, Responsibility is Collective, 1972
Building a Nation, 1972
Message of the President of FRELIMO on the occassion of the launching of armed struggle in the Province of Manica e Sofala, 1972
Sharpening the Class Conflict, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 2] 1973
The Liberation of Women is a Fundamental Necessity for the Revolution, 1973
Solidarity is Mutual Aid between Forces Fighting for the Same Objectives, 1973
Education in the Revolution, Mozambique Revolution, Number 57, October-December 1973
'You Don't Ask a Slave If He Wants to Be Free', Mozambique Revolution, Number 59, April-June 1974
Peace is inseparable from independence, Mozambique Revolution, Number 59, April-June 1974
The Weapons that Brought Us Victory, Mozambique Revolution, Number 60, July-August 1974
Speech to the OAU on its 10th Anniversary 1974
Speech on the Events in Lourenço Marques 1974
Message on the Occasion of the Resumption of Armed Struggle in Zambezia Province 1974
Message from Comrade Samora Machel, President of FRELIMO, delivered on September 20th on the occasion of the investiture of the transitional government, 1974
Frelimo President's Independence Message 1975
Independence Day Speech 1975
Interview with Africa magazine, 1975
Mozambique: Revolution or Reaction? Two Speeches 1975
Pretoria is a Cancer, Sechaba, Volume 10, Number 2, Second Quarter 1976
'We must defend our country under attack and support the just cause of the Zimbabwe People', People's Power in Mozambique, Angola and Guinea-Bissau, Number 1, March-April 1976
Interview with Samora Machel, 1976
Report from the CC of Frelimo to the Third Congress, Tricontinental, Number 52, 1977
Interview with President Machel 1977
Let Us Consolidate Our Unity, Sechaba, July 1979
'A science belongs to its creator' Interview with Africa magazine, 1979
Mozambique's President Machel Talks About Building a Socialist Future, (1979)
Why Does South Africa Attack Us?, Sechaba, May 1983
Samora Machel Speaks at Nkomati, Mozambican Notes, April-June 1984
Samora Machel: An African Revolutionary. Selected Writings and Speeches, 1985

See Also:

Samora Machel: Episodes from Life, Mozambican Notes, January 1984
The Death of Samora Moises Machel. A Funeral Eulogy by Marcelino dos Santos 1986
Remembering Samora Machel, by John S. Saul 1986
A Death that Must Enlighten and Strengthen Us by Thomas Sankara, 1986
Remembering Samora 1988
Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO): Documents