Paris May 1968

May 13 = Return to School

May 13 = Return to School

Source: The May Events Archive of Simon Fraser University;
Translated: by Mitchell Abidor.

We all passed!
100% on all the tests taken between May 3-13 :
Spirit of initiative

gaining of political consciousness
revolutionary discipline
demonstrations and barricades

Today classes are back in session!
Prepare to study!
Attendance mandatory!
Course program:

Critical university
Critique of society
Worker-student liaison
Autonomy of the university

N.B. despite the work done and to be done certain individuals allow themselves to be distracted by EXAMS
This problem must not hinder our labor
Bear in mind that the occupation of the faculty means preparing a university future where the EXAM will no longer play any role. Organize this occupation.
You didn’t fight for a week in order to take tests, even modified ones, even postponed ones.