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May 2003 • Vol 3, No. 5 •

Workers Leaders Given Long Jail Terms by Chinese Stalinists

Comrades, we bring bad news, the reactionary monsters of Beijing have sentenced comrades Yao Fuxin, 52, to seven years and Xiao Yunliang, 57, to four years imprisonment for spearheading the demonstrations in Liaoyang in March 2002.

“My father told the court his actions were in the interest of fellow workers. My father was against corruption and did not have any political motives,” Yao’s 24-year-old daughter, Yao Dan.

Xiao’s 54-year-old wife, Su Anhua, said: “The charges were trumped up. We can’t accept the verdict.”

Their lawyer, Mo Shaoping, was banned from attending the trial because he would have to undergo 10 days quarantine. He was given only four days notice of the trial!

From start to finish this case has been a mockery of justice. In fact it has only been the continued and relentless pressure of the international movement that has prevented even harsher prison terms.

But given the health of our comrades it is likely that these few years will be the equivilent of a death sentence.

We urgently appeal to trades unionists and labour activists worldwide to contact the following with messages of support so that the movement to free our comrades can be co-ordinated fully.

We demand a full amnesty for Yao Fuxin and Xiao Yunliang and hundreds of other labour leaders imprisoned by the capitalist despots in Beijing.





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