Henry Winston

The Crisis of the Black Panther Party


I am grateful for the many useful ideas, suggestions, and some fruits of others’ researches which were offered to me in the course of the writing of this book. Valued insights and invaluable support was given to me in the course of this work by my Party colleagues, Gus Hall, James E. Jackson, John Pittman, Charlene Mitchell, Claude Lightfoot, William L. Patterson, Alva Bauxenbaum, Roscoe Proctor, Jarvis Tyner, William W. Weinstone and many others were particularly helpful and encouraging towards the completion of this project.

I wish to express special thanks and deep appreciation for the exceptional contribution of Howard Mann. He assisted me in so many ways to realize this work in its present form. He was selflessly unstinting of his time, and generous in the sharing of his own fine talents.

The great experience and knowledge of the African reality of John Marks, the late Chairman of the Communist party of South Africa and of the martyred Amilcar Cabral was in part shared with me during many unforgettable hours and I trust will find fitting expression in segments of this work.

I also want to acknowledge with appreciation the prompt and ever interested responses to my requests for particular source materials from Esther Jackson of Freedomways Magazine, George Murphy of the Afro-American newspaper, Hyman Lumer, Editor of Political Affairs and attorney John Abt.

My formal and informal talks, discussions and debates with many young people in trips across the country, especially young Black workers and students, men and women, have been invaluable in giving me added insight into the problems dealt with in this book.

Finally, I express my affectionate and profound appreciation to my wife Fern, for her sensitive and generous helpfulness during my work on this book, as in all things on the agenda of my life's work, by the dedication of this volume to her.

Henry Winston